visual designer & problem solver & weird wrangler & systems thinker & mediocre copywriter & art director & grid enthusiest
Design & shit

Blight Magazine


The third issue of a PNCA student published magazine. Collaboration between MFA students and a variety of artistic and writing contributors to expand the perspective of the magazine. As creative directer I updated the format, design, and printing method. The size of this 32-page publication was increased to a hefty 10.5"x15", the extra size provided more design freedom for experimentation and white space. Provided photographs and laid out the entire publication. 5000 copies were distributed around the Portland area, Grand Rapids, MI, Los Angeles, CA, and New York, NY. We included a broad variety of stories about broken design and the possibility for design solutions. Stories were written about Portland, New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, New Orleans, and design in general. A new website was launched to support the project and help distribute the issue.

Blight Magazine

The Broken Design Issue. The 2014 issue of a Portland based design annual that examines the intersection of design and society. PNCA student produced design magazine. As creative directer I updated the format, design, and printing production. The size of this 32-page publication was increased to a hefty 10.5"x15", the extra size provided more design freedom for experimentation and white space. I also contributed some photography and oversaw the layout.

5000 copies were distributed between Grand Rapids MI, Los Angeles CA, New York NY, and Portland, OR.

Client: PNCA Collaborative Design MFA
Role: Creative Direction, Graphic Design, Photography, Publishing
Collaborators: Alicia Navarrette, Shannon Paine, Jessica Riehl, Tom Webb

Blight magazine cover
Issue Banner

Issue Banner

Illustrations by Ty Modz

Illustrations by Ty Modz

"...the notion of broken design is a frightful one. Realizing that your intended control is lost, even momentarily, is an unpleasant prospect. That being said, total control is a myth. Chance, serendipity, accident, and failure can play an invaluable role in the design process. Learning to accept that is an entirely different issue!"

Broken Design Survey (Excerpt)

Mandy Kahn interview

Mandy Kahn interview

Grit, Grime & Hustle photo essay

Grit, Grime & Hustle photo essay

Broken Design - student illustrations

Broken Design - student illustrations